Thursday 4 June 2015

How to Write a Cover Letter including Your concierge cover letter

Resume and cover letter are the two primary needs to procure job as these two are the self -advertise aid to start your career through the right path with less hindrances. As it is rightly said “First impression last forever “so your resume and cover letter should be eye –catching.
As a pipefitter you should be well-trained in installing, assembling, fabricating the pipes and to repair and maintain the pipes. But if you are a fresher, u can start your career as helpers or beginner. There are the marks which you should keep in mind while framing a right resume which will provide you a excellent job.
The points are:-
·         Follow the format.
·         Compress it in 1 or 2 pages
·         Highlight your experience (if there) and important information in bold or italic.
·         Do not add unnecessary information like gender, hobbies, and irrelevant skills.
·         You should be honest but smart at your point.

For pipefitter
·         Add keywords pipe fabrication, code expertise (if you know), and good problem solver, willingness to learn, system troubleshooting, work determination, management
·         You can show your qualities like
·         Learn to use new technology
·         Completing work at time
·         Cleanliness is important as per job so indicate it
·         Reducing the hazards by following all the safety rule
·         Study blue prints to use appropriate amount of material,
·         Having regular trainings after intervals of time (if u have any certified training add it )
·         Ability to communicate and convince with team member and organization in the right move. 

To write a cover letter for any post, you must be aware about the work that suits your profile so as a concierge you must know how to deal with guests of hotels, apartments or office, manage the things without losing temper.
Cover letter is written in a letter form to show your abilities so as Concierge you can show your qualities like calmness, easy-going, good management in respect to time and work, hospitality, how to serve the guest, communicating and listening skills, resolving the arguments with patience, friendly and attentive etc.

To write a cover letter there is a pertinent format that is given in the following steps

  •          Firstly write about your interest for this job, from where you get a information regarding this job and about your present job (if you have related to the post ).
  •          Secondly you have define your qualities and abilities (use keywords if you can), your experiences, your skills, contact details for interview and message about your resume that is to be attached 
  •          Lastly you can write thanks message or positive attitude statements for getting a call for interview.

 Ending with the hope that you got an idea how to write a resume and a cover letter in your respective field as  “IDEA CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE”. Click here to know more about pipefitter resume.


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